Jg 614 Airsoft Tactical Lightweight Railing

Jg 614 Airsoft Tactical Lightweight Railing

The Double Eagles 614 Airsoft Gun is synthetic from plastic that keeps the weight downwardly only is not equally durable as its high end metal counter role. The Double Eagles 614 Airsoft Gun features a Runway arrangement which allows use off any product that is designed to be mounted to a rail, although due to its build structure it is not as stable as a college quality metal rails system. A crane stock is used for increased ergonomics too as a user-friendly battery storage location. A monolithic top track system allows the user to mount a variety of eyes, sights are also mounted to the meridian rails. Although this is the cheapest 614 airsoft gun of the market place, information technology leaves much to be desired in terms of reliability, performance and build quality.

Although the Double Eagles 614 may be acceptable for a display slice or prop there are much better options for skirmishable airsoft guns that are still affordable. One of the best high quality entry level AEGs is the

CM028 AK47 Airsoft Gun which comes in at only $109.95 and is constructed out of high quality polymer and features a very durable and well performing gearbox. If yous accept your mind ready on a 614 styled gun the JG 614 Advanced RIS Carbine Airsoft Gun is definitely the best bang for your cadet 614 style AEG.

As previously stated, this gun is not field ready due to its low functioning. Although due to its realistic look and features, this gun is a great selection for apply in picture productions or as a great brandish slice. Please do not expect to exist able to compete with high quality airsoft guns while using this depression toll airsoft gun. This gun is not serviceable and does non come with a warranty of any kind.

Manufacturer: Double Eagles
Muzzle Velocity: 260 FPS
Magazine Capacity: 300 rounds
Package Includes: gun, magazine, Safety glasses, sling, low quality BBs,


  • Excellent Beginner Airsoft Gun
  • Not bad for Prop Use
  • Lightweight

Please Note:

  • This product does not come with a warranty of any kind.
Manufacturer: Double Eagles

meet three reviews | Write a Review

South. STALEY | 2013-09-03

Product Information:
This is a Neat gun for beginners, and information technology is at a good price.

Metal Sights
Metal Intertube
Foregrip feels nice.
The sight at the end does look wierd when you fold it downwardly.

Doesnt feel that real (Mostly Plastic)
Does Non come up with the sight in the photo
You air current the mag forrad instead of backwards

C. FRY | 2014-06-30

Product Information:
Good entry level AEG, pretty accurate. I didn't have a adventure to use it very long earlier the mag release button broke. Now the magazine doesn't stay in or come out without some effort, removing pins, etc.

Inexpensive, like shooting fish in a barrel to employ, plenty of room for attachments, proficient entry level, authentic, decent FPS for CQB and works ok in the woods.

Non very strong, one fiddling drop broke the mag release button and pin. If you become this gun, exist careful with it.

verified heir-apparent

S. MOSER | 2020-08-25

Production Information:
Bought this gun to play at local field with my son. For the price y'all can't beat information technology. I've ran several mags through information technology now and very pleased with it.

Groovy gun for beginners, price


mags and suppressor?

What mags work all-time with this gun and will it back up a suppressor?

1657 days agone

aaron r



(I take this same question)

Staff Respond:
Elite Force Magazines should work. I would not advise attaching a suppressor to this burglarize as it is all plastic.

1407 days ago

1 answers
1 asked
What should I do?

I broke a part on my gun that kept the mag in and I'k missing my mag release button. I tin't notice my paperwork so I don't remember I can get whatsoever warranty, etc for it. Can I get a replacement part somewhere or is there something I tin use to jury rig it? Any ideas and suggestions will exist greatly appreciated. Thank you.

2816 days agone

Chris F



(I have this aforementioned question)

Staff Answer:
Please contact our customer service.

2815 days agone

1 answers
i asked
Tin it go full auto

I saw that information technology said that it had a single shot prop, but I was only wondering if the air soft gun had the power to get full auto as well. Give thanks you for looking at this, and if you could please go back equally soon as possible then that would be great.

2912 days ago

Nathaniel B



(I have this same question)

Staff Respond:
This should be capable of total auto.

2912 days ago

1 answers
1 asked

Jg 614 Airsoft Tactical Lightweight Railing

Posted by: morsenoubtly.blogspot.com

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