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A homemade Airsoft gun tin be synthetic in a couple of ways -- either with your own breath as a source of ability or an air compressor. Either method will take a thing of minutes and volition outcome in a powerful tool. Run across Pace i below of your preferred method to begin.

  • A small container with cap (medicine canteen, 35mm flick container, minor soda bottle, etc.)
  • Drill with 5/16" drill bit
  • Hot mucilage gun (optional)
  • A plainly, straight-tubed ballpoint pen
  • Airsoft pellets or Bulletin board system
  1. one

    Drill 2 holes in a small container. An old pill bottle, a film container, a plastic bottle of Coca-Cola, whatever you have lying around (with a lid!) will exercise. Be sure to wash it first, though; you'll be putting the side of the bottle in your oral cavity.

    • One hole needs to be centered on the bottom and the other centered on the side.
    • A 5/16" drill bit is all-time for a standard pen, merely it can vary. Choose a drill chip that matches the width of your pen, equally the pen will be inserted through the pigsty shortly.
  2. ii

    Deconstruct a regular pen. Y'all know, the kind they give you at hotels and seminars for free. A straight-tubed, not fancy, ballpoint pen with no frills. There are three steps to this:

    • Unscrew the cap surrounding the ink bespeak.
    • Accept out the guts -- the ink, the spring -- to create an empty barrel for your BBs to fly through.
    • Ram out the lid at the top with a screwdriver or other slim, pointed object.
      • A sturdy straw volition also do the trick.


  3. 3

    Insert the pen into the hole in the bottom of your container. It should beetle about 1/2" (ane.25 cm) into the inside of the container. A regular pen should fit adequately snugly into a hole drilled with a five/16" bit.

    • It's a good idea to hot glue the butt to the lesser of the medicine bottle. Just put a band of glue around the pen where information technology meets the edge of the container. This style no air will escape, pressurizing your Bulletin board system.
  4. iv

    Unscrew the cap and put some BBs inside. A petty less than one-half total is ideal.

  5. v

    Blow in the hole in the side and watch the Bbs come out the butt. Experiment with distance and aim -- y'all should be able to go a considerable distance abroad (the length of your garage, say) and still maintain direction and velocity.

    • Do not inhale with your oral cavity up confronting the container. You could inhale pellets and choke. Instead, take a jiff away from the gun and then accident within.


  • A soda canteen with cap
  • 1/four" quick-release air compressor adapter
  • Drill
  • Air compressor blowgun
  • 7mm x 6" long brake line
  • Airsoft pellets or Bulletin board system
  1. one

    Thread the adapter into the blowgun and remove the nozzle. Past blowgun, we mean one that attaches to an air compressor -- not a blowgun yous would use to throw poison darts into your nearest enemy. Screw the adapter in until information technology's sturdy and tight.[1]

    • The nozzle of the blowgun (where it would connect to the tube of an air compressor) will twist out counterclockwise.
  2. 2

    Drill a hole into the side of the soda bottle. It should be about i" (2.v cm) below the bulge in the top of the canteen. It should too lucifer the size of the nozzle of the blowgun that you merely threaded out.[2]

    • If you refer the method above, you'll see that a regular pen requires a 5/16" drill bit. Your nozzle is probably merely a bit bigger than that.
  3. 3

    Insert the nozzle into the pigsty from the within. This is the trickiest part:

    • Put the nozzle into the canteen.
    • With a metal file or other like, long, sparse object, pick up the nozzle.
    • Place information technology snugly into the drilled pigsty, threaded part sticking out.
  4. four

    Spiral the blowgun into the nozzle. Proceed the metal file supporting the nozzle so the weight of the blowgun doesn't dislodge information technology. Be patient as you thread the blowgun onto the nozzle.

    • Once it'southward tightened, the blowgun should be sturdy and unmoving. At this indicate, the soda bottle and blowgun base should be as i.
  5. 5

    Drill a hole into your bottle cap. It needs to match the size of your brake line. It's ameliorate to start off a bit smaller and have to go far bigger -- though y'all could e'er easily find another canteen cap.[3]

  6. 6

    Thread the brake line onto the bottle cap. Pull the line through so the entire tube is through the cap, bolts and nut on the exposed terminate.[4]

    • If bachelor, it's wise to seal the drilled pigsty on the cap with hot mucilage. This will also hold the line in place, creating a foolproof vacuum.
  7. vii

    Fill the bottle with Airsoft pellets. Near halfway is platonic.

  8. eight

    Screw the barrel in identify and attach to an air compressor. Brand sure everything is sealed up nice and tight and attach the base of operations of the blowgun to your air compressor.[5]

    • Alternatively, y'all tin also use a backpack air supply to fuel your gun.
  9. 9

    Fire away! Your gun is ready to outset decimating. Simply unscrew the barrel to refill with pellets.


Add together New Question

  • Question

    Tin I put the air hole in the back lesser of the container instead?

    Community Answer

    Yes, that works well, too. I did that, and it shot a little improve.

  • Question

    I don't want to carry an air compressor with me. Is at that place some alternative to the air compressor?

    Community Answer

    An air soft HPA tank. It'southward a tank of compressed air. This is used by many airsoft players.

  • Question

    Can I shoot gel assurance (7mm) with this?

    Anon ymous

    Anon ymous

    Customs Reply

    You might be able to, only only if you use a 7mm barrel, equally the gel balls merely cannot fit in the 6mm tube.

  • Question

    Instead of an air compressor, is it possible for me to use propane gas?

    Anon ymous

    Anon ymous

    Customs Answer

    Yes you lot tin can, it will piece of work, simply a lot of gas will come up out, it will smell really bad and information technology will be quite dangerous. You could try filling an old propane tank with air using a bike pump merely finding compatible nozzles would be hard.

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Things Yous'll Need

  • A modest container with cap (medicine bottle, 35mm film container, small soda bottle, etc.)
  • Drill with 5/16" drill chip
  • Hot gum gun (optional)
  • A plain, directly-tubed ballpoint pen
  • Airsoft pellets or Bulletin board system
  • A soda bottle with cap
  • one/four" quick-release air compressor adapter
  • Drill
  • Air compressor blowgun
  • 7mm x six" long brake line
  • Airsoft pellets or Bbs

ReIated wikiHows

  • How to Brand an Airsoft or BB Gun Target
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  • How to Cull an Airsoft Gun


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